Dan Keusal, M.S., LMFT

Jungian Psychotherapy

"Find Your Purpose, Heal Your Pain, Live With Passion"
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Dan Keusal's e-newsletter,
"Living With Purpose And Passion"
Detailed Tables of Contents
(Click on the dates/links below to view each newsletter)

Summer 2024 includes:
  • "Attention To Small Things": reflects on how the little things in life—in the natural world, in the written word, in promptings from the unconscious, and more—can have a big impact.
  • A photo by Dan Keusal: "Adventure Ahead"

Autumn 2023 includes:
  • "You Can't Surprise A Machine": The first explorer of the depths of the ocean may have something to teach us about exploring the depths of the psyche.
  • A new feature: an audio recording of the above essay, read by the author (think of it as a "podcast"!)

Spring 2023 includes:
  • "Speak, Friend, and Enter": starting with a scene in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, this essay reflects on two different kinds of wisdom--those of 'wizards' and those of 'Hobbits'--and the relationship between them, including when to use one, and when to use the other.
  • Sophie Blackall's book Things To Look Forward To.
  • Anne Hathaway's compelling and realist portrayal of struggling with mental health issues in Amazon Prime's series "Modern Love"
  • Another photo from Dan Keusal: "Garden Waterfall."

Autumn 2022 includes:
  • "Room At The Table": using a scene from Ursula LeGuin's novel A Wizard of Earthsea as a jumping off point, this essay reflects on the importance of making room for the "other"--individually and collectively. 
  • The poetry anthology Poetry of Presence, and a story that suggests a way to use poetry for a simple form of daily meditation. 
  • James Hollis's video "Taking Your Dreams Seriously." 
  • A photo from Dan Keusal: "Falling Together." 

Spring 2022 includes:
  • "Interior Design": reflections on how piles of purchased-but-unread-books may offer a glimpse into the call of psyche. 
  • ​Heidi Muller's song "Cassiopeia"
  • "Shelf Awareness," an e-newsletter introducing 25 new books each week, ranging from novels, to non-fiction, to poetry, to children's books, and more.
  • A photo from Dan Keusal: "Hydrangea, Close To Home." 

Winter 2021-2022 includes:
  • "We Must Disenthrall Ourselves": reflections, starting with a quote from Abraham Lincoln, on the connections between the personal and the collective, between psyche and politics.

Winter 2020-2021 includes:
  • "Look Up, Within, and Out": reflections that start with a scene from the Netflix series "Away," moves from there to the recent Jupiter Saturn conjunction, then to a quote from Jung's Memories, Dreams, Reflections on the "ethical obligation" that arises from our inner work.

Holidays 2020 includes:
  • A Jungian analysis of the Charles Dickens classic "A Christmas Carol" via the podcast "This Jungian Life"
  • Emily Dickinson's poem "We Grow Accustomed To The Dark"
  • quotes from Michael J. Fox...and Desmund Tutu
  • Mary Chapin Carpenter's album of original holiday songs, "Come Darkness, Come Light"
  • A photo from Dan Keusal: "Morning Snow Through Leaded Glass."

Autumn 2020 includes:
  • "Out of the Gray & Fog": reflections on an image...that reflects the troubled state of the world, and perhaps offers a way through it.

Spring 2020 includes:
  • "Finding Meaning, Help, and Hope Amidst COVID-19"--reflections on practical and symbolic perspectives on the coronavirus pandemic.
  • "10 Practices for Self-Care During COVID-19"--fresh takes on ways to do self-care in this time of crisis...and beyond.
  • "Resources For A Richer Life": includes Lisa Koch's song "Pandemic Medley," Richard Hendrick's poem "Lockdown," Emily St. John Mandel's novel Station Eleven, and Dan Keusal's photograph "Sheltering In Place (Pink Rhododendron)."

Holidays 2019 includes:
  • news of 12/18/19 Winter Solstice Celebration
  • Pablo Nerud'a poem "Keeping Quiet"
  • Dan Keusal's photo "Snow on red holly."

Autumn 2019 includes:
  • "Tree Work Ahead": reflections on the value of trees--in the environment, and as archetypal symbols.
  • "Resources for a Richer Life": includes the song "Beyond The Cedar Moon" by Craig Olson, the poem "The Sycamore" by Wendell Berry, and the books Like A Tree: How Trees, Women, and Tree People Can Save The Planet by Jean Shinoda Bolen and The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben. 
  • Dan Keusal's photo "Descent." 

Spring 2019 includes:
  • "Delight, Enchantment, Wisdom, Awakening"--reflections on reading as a simple form of morning meditation, with four suggested books as a place to start: Ross Gays The Book of Delights, Thomas Moore's The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life, Rachel Naomi Remen's Kitchen Table Wisdom, and Mark Nepo's The Book of Awakening
  • Dan Keusal's photo "Tulips & Weathered Fence"

Winter 2018-2019 includes:
  • Dan Keusal's reflections on "The Power of a Symbol"
  • "Resources For A Life of Depth and Meaning": a quote from Steven Forrest on the relationship between experience and wisdom, and MILCK's cover of "Ooh, Child." 

Holidays 2018 includes:
  • Dan Keusal's Solstice poem "Ancient Wisdom, Remembered" (including a link to a recording of Dan reciting the poem).

Autumn 2018 includes:
  • "Meigakure: Hidden, Then Revealed," reflections on how a concept from Japanese Garden design can help us walk our path in life.
  • "Resources For A Life Of Depth And Meaning": two songs--Peter Mayer's "All The World Is One" and Dan Keusal's own "My Spring Is Autumn" (including a long lost recording of that latter song), plus a stunning photo of Autumn's beauty.

Summer 2018 includes:
  • "Witness, Container, Guide," reflections on the meditation Dan Keusal does before each session with a client.
  • "Resources For A Life Of Depth And Meaning": a quote from Thomas Moore on therapy as imagination, Jaspar Lepak's song "I Know A Woman," news of the upcoming Care of Souls conference, and Dan Keusal's photo "Sea Stones in Driftwood, Kala Point."

Spring 2018 includes:
  • "Spices and Lovely Vitality," reflections on connections between Rumi's poem "Chickpea to cook" and Jung's idea of individuation.
  • ​"Resources For A Life of Depth And Meaning": a quote from Brene Brown, an interview with Naomi Shihab Nye titled "Your Life Is A Poem" (for Krista Tippett's podcast "On Being"), Mary Black's song "No Frontiers," and Dan Keusal's photograph titled "Sweet Doing Nothing."

Winter 2017-2018 includes:
  • "Night Vision," reflections on "taking in the night on its own terms."
  • ​"Resources For A LIfe Of Depth And Meaning": Suzanne Vega's song "Night Vision," a quote from Cesar Cruz, the poem "Proficiency" by Lynn Ungar, and Dan Keusal's photo "Snowfall on leaves and buds, Christmas Day 2017."

Holidays 2017 includes:
  • The poem "Winter Is The Best Time," by David Budbill
  • ​The photo "Snow-Covered Bridge, Seattle" by Dan Keusal
  • An invitation to give the gift of astrology, of "know thyself," this holiday season.

Autumn 2017 includes:
  • "There Is No Secret Ingredient," Reflections by Dan Keusal on 25 years in practice as a Jungian Psychotherapist, with a little help from "Po" in the film "Kung Fu Panda."
  • "Resources For A Life Of Depth And Meaning": Robert Wrigley's poem "Being A Lake," Mary Chapin Carpenter's performance of the song "The Moon And St. Christopher," the movie "Life As A House" (starring Kevin Kline), and a quote on fanaticism from Jungian Analyst Robert Johnson.

Summer 2017 includes:
  • ​"The Cure For Sanity," reflections by Dan Keusal on Jung's quote "Show me a sane man, and I'll cure him for you."
  • ​"Resources For A Life Of Depth And Meaning": Mark Nepo's poem "Crossing Some Ocean In Myself," Bruce Springsteen's live, ad-lib version of Chuck Berry's song "You Never Can Tell," and a quote from e.e. cummings.

Spring 2017 includes: 
  • "Why Dreams Matter--More Than Ever," reflections by Dan Keusal on the ways dreams connect us with our deepest, wisest selves, reveal the ways we may have become stuck in our lives, and show us how to move forward.
  • ​"Resources For A Life Of Depth Meaning": Gary Snyder's poem "The Trail Is Not A Trail," Robert Johnson's book Inner Work: Using Dreams And Active Imagination For Personal Growth, the movie "This Is Where I Leave You," aquote from C.G. Jung, and Dan Keusal's photograph "Daffodils."

Winter 2016-2017 includes:
  • "First Bud," reflections by Dan Keusal on how the first bud on a Christmas Cactus served as a symbol of hope in difficult, frightening times.
  • "Resources For a Life Of Depth And Meaning": David Wilcox's song "Show The Way," Marge Piercy's poem "Councils," Dan Keusal's talk "To Travel In The Dark" (given at Seattle Unity Church 11/27/16), a quote from C.G. Jung, and the book What Do You Do With An Idea?.

Holidays 2016 includes:
  • ​"The Blizzard of the World," an excerpt from the introduction to Parker Palmer's book A Hidden Wholeness.
  • ​"Winter's Cloak," a poem by Joyce Rupp.

Autumn 2016 includes:
  • "Your 'Field of Dreams' and Jung," reflections by Dan Keusal on how the classic 1989 film illustrates some key ideas from C.G. Jung's autobiography, Memories, Dreams, Reflections.
  • "Resources For A Life Of Depth And Meaning": an inspiring new music video from Carrie Newcomer ("Lean In Toward The Light," from her new CD "The Beautiful Not Yet"), a quote from The Rolling Stones, the poem "Crossword" by Sally Bliumis-Dunn, and Dan Keusal's original photograph "Positive Spirit."

Summer 2016 includes:
  • "A Walk Around The Lake," reflections by Dan Keusal on Jung's idea of "circumambulation of the self" and Wallace Stevens' line "Perhaps the truth depends upon a walk around the lake."
  • "Resources For A Life Of Depth And Meaning": a quote from Sigmund Freud (praising poets!), the poem "Lightning Is Not Guidance" by Rumi, the song "New Hymn" by James Taylor, The Mandala Book: Patterns of the Universe by Lori Bailey Cunningham, and Dan Keusal's original photograph "Dandelion."

Spring 2016 includes:
  • "Living Larger," reflections by Dan Keusal on the connections between a scene from "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel," some thoughts from Jungian Analyst James Hollis, and being led into a deep and meaningful way of moving through life.
  • "Resources For A Life of Depth And Meaning": a quote from Emily Dickinson, the poem "Midlife" from Julie Cadwallader Staub, James Hollis's book What Matters Most, and a moving performance by, and a thoughtful interview with, singer-songwriter Jonathan Edwards, who gained fame back in 1971 with his hit single "Sunshine Go Away Today."

Winter 2015-2016 includes:
  • "Just up the stairs": reflections by Dan Keusal on the connections between a moment in Powell's Books in Portland, and a key moment in Jung's life, recounted in The Red Book.
  • "Resources For A Life of Depth And Meaning": an a capella gem by The Maccabeats and Naturally 7 (their stellar cover of James Taylor's "Shed A Little Light"), Elizabeth Austen's poem "Deciduous" (and her 5-part video series on reading and writing poetry), a quote from a poster found on the wall of a medical center waiting room, Karen Bonnell's books on co-parenting before, during and after divorce, and Dan Keusal's photo "Half Moon, Winter Sky."

Holidays 2015 includes:
  • excerpt from the poem "Old Maps No Longer Work" by Joyce Rupp
  • Dan's photograph "Berries, Leaves, and Twigs," available for download for your personal use. 

Summer 2015 includes:
  • "The Bathroom Door": reflections by Dan Keusal on Rilke's "May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing, and no holding back"
  • Dan's photograph "Langley Sunset," available for download for your personal use.

Spring 2015: includes:
  • "List-ings...": reflections by Dan Keusal on the problem with lists...
  • "3 Good Poems": "The Music We Are" by Rumi, "We Have Come To Be Danced" by Jewel Mathieson, and "Monet Refuses The Operation" by Lisel Mueller.
  • "Resources For A Richer Life:" the song "Life Holds On" by Beth Nielsen Chapman, the movie "Departures," and some videos on the dangers of driving while text messaging (or of making any use of a mobile device)
  • Quotes from Lars-Anders Hansson, the film "The Lunchbox," a Buddhist Prayer, and Kahlil Gibran

Year-End 2014: includes the poem "At the End of the Year" by John O'Donohue

Holidays 2014 includes:
  • "Breathe often": reflections by Dan Keusal on how taking one long, slow, deep breath before many daily activities...can make a big difference, especially during the busy holiday season.
  • "Resources For A Richer Life": Patrick Stewart's one man show of "A  Christmas Carol," and The Co-Parents' Handbook.
  • "3 Good Poems": "Things" by Lisel Mueller,"For My Son, Reading Harry Potter" by Michael Blumenthal, and "At The Toll Booth" by Marilyn Donnelly.
  • Quotes from Thomas Moore, the Buddha, and singer-songwriter "Ellis"

Summer 2014 includes:
  • "Baseball And The Pain Of Men: reflections by Dan Keusal on a key scene in the Kevin Costner movie "For Love Of The Game," and its portrayal of the hidden pain and grief of men.
  • "3 Good Poems': "Bridges" by Jim Harrison, "Progress" by Julie Cadwallader-Staub, and "My Life Has Been One Great Big Joke" by Maya Angelou.
  • "Resources For A Richer Life": video "Leading With Lollipops" by Drew Dudley, "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" in a soulful, creative rendition by former Yankee center-fielder turned classical guitarist Bernie Williams, and the movie/DVD "About Time"
  • Quotes from Hafiz, Suzanne Vega, Nietzsche, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Jimmy Buffet

Late Winter 2013-2014 includes:
  • "One Hand Tied Behind Your Back?"--reflections by Dan Keusal on the importance and value of metaphors and symbols.
  • "3 Good Poems": "Security" by William Stafford, "From Out The Cave" by Joyce Sutphen, and "the drum" by nikki giovanni.
  • "Resources For A Richer Life": the movie "The Way Way Back," Carrie Newcomer's new song "Every Little Bit Of It," and Frank Langella interviewed by Charlie Rose.
  • Quotes from Isak Dinesen, Doe Zantamata, Richard Grossinger, C.G. Jung, and Kim Stafford (on her father, the poet William Stafford).

Holidays 2013 includes:
  • "Let There Be Darkness"--reflections by Dan Keusal on the importance of the growing darkness we all experience this time of year, and how we have so few opportunities to experience the "true dark." NOTE: this newsletter contains only my essay, but the essay contains links to many other resources, including a wonderful article by Seattle Times staff reporter Ron Judd on the ways that artificial light is eclipsing our ability to see the stars.

Autumn 2013 includes:
  • "Don't Sell The Art"--reflections by Dan Keusal on how the city of Detroit's bankruptcy may hold some clues to our individual well-being.
  • "3 Good Poems": "Foundations" by Leopold Staff, "Night Vision" by Suzanne Vega," and "Sex Ed" by Betsy Sholl.
  • "Resources For A Richer Life": Robert Bosnak's Book A Little Course in Dreams, the film "Love Is All You Need," and,believe it or not, a Sesame Street video!
  • Quotes from Rainer Maria Rilke, Barry Lopez, Alice Walker, Matthew Fox, and John S. Dunne.

Summer 2013 includes:
  • "Let The Void Be Void"--reflections by Dan Keusal on the wisdom of allowing for some open space...evoked by the blank walls in his new office.
  • "3 Good Poems": "The Guitarist Tunes Up" by Frances Cornford, "At The Berkeley Free Speech Cafe" by Thomas Moore, "Drugstore" by Carl Dennis.
  • "Resources for A Richer Life": links to an article to a physician on the wisdom of "doing nothing," a slide show that offers some perspective by showing what the planets would like like from earth if they were as close as the moon, and a video of a Chicago teacher reading her letter of resignation...and in doing so offering some poignant commentary of the dangers of "standardization"
  • Quotes by Yo-Yo Ma, Viktor Frankl, Thomas Chandler, Anne Belford Ulanov, and a medieval alchemical dictum. 

Spring 2013: Due to Dan Keusal moving his office, there was NO Spring 2013 edition...

Winter 2012-2013 includes:
  • ​"Walking The Labyrinth"--reflections by Dan Keusal on recognizing and responding to moments of depth and presence in everyday life.
  • "3 Good Poems"--"New Year Resolve" by May Sarton, "The Real Work" by Wendell Berry, and "Desire, A Hungry Lion" by Dorothy Trogdon.
  • Resources for a Richer Life: "Full Moon Silhouette" (video), and "The Labyrinth Locator" (web site) 
  • Quotes by Terry Hershey, Rachel Naomi Remen, James Hollis, and C.G. Jung

Autumn 2012 includes:
  • "Drawing Purple Trees--Celebrating 20 Years In Practice"--reflections on Elizabeth Christman's "Drawing Purple Trees" and its connection to 20 years in practice as a psychotherapist.
  • ​"3 Good Poems"--"Clearing" by Morgan Farley, "Kindness" by Naomi Shihab Nye, and "X" by Wendell Berry.
  • ​Resources for a Richer Life: "In A Dark Wood--The Lure of Shadows" (a video by James Hollis), "If I Should Have A Daughter" (a TED lecture video by Sarah Kay), and "The Journey" (a poem by David Whyte).
  • Quotes by Dag Hammarksjold, Albert Camus, Rilke, and George Bernard Shaw.

Summer 2012 includes:
  • "What Do You Hear In These Sounds"--reflections by Dan Keusal on Dar Williams' wonderful song about her experiences as a client in therapy.
  • "3 Good Poems"--"Passage" by John Brehm, "What Do You Hear In These Sounds" by Dar Williams, and "Black Sea" by Mark Strand
  • Quotes from Theodore Roethke, Rabbi Abraham Heschel, Peter Senge, and Lao Tzu.

Spring 2012 includes:
  • "Wandering"--reflections by Dan Keusal on the value of following our intuitions, tangents, and synchronicities, including 
  • "3 Good Poems"--"Garbage Truck" by Michael Ryan, "14" by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and "After" by Octavio Paz. 
  • "Resources For A Richer Life," including Brene Brown's video on "The Power of Vulnerability," the movie "Today's Special," and a workshop on mothering by Lynn Tienken & Bonnie Bhatti.
  • Quotes from Ralph Waldo Emerson, Wendell Berry, Edward Hoagland, and more.

Winter 2011-2012 includes:
  • "The Pole In The Middle Of The Room"--reflections by Dan Keusal on a frequently over-looked stumbling block that gets in the way of realizing our New Year's goals/resolutions/intentions.
  • "3 Good Poems"--"What To Do The First Morning The Sun Comes Back" by Roseann Lloyd, "Windchime" by Tony Hoagland, and "Problem" by George Bilgere.
  • "Resources For A Richer Life," including Mark Nepo's book of daily meditations The Book of Awakening, and an awe-inspring photograph taken by Dan Keusal on Christmas Eve.
  • Quotes from C.G. Jung, Jane Austen, Woody Allen, and Wayne Muller.

Autumn 2011 includes:
  • "Good To See You"--Reflections by Dan Keusal on the connections between the film "Super 8" and the experience of being seen that is at the heart of psychotherapy.
  • "3 Good Poems"--"The Word" by Tony Hoagland, "Crying Man" by Charles Douthat, and "Some Kiss We Want" by Rumi.
  • Quotes from Jack Kornfield, David McNally, Ovid, and Rainer Maria Rilke
  • "Resources For A Richer Life," including Karen Bonnell's new blog "Words of Art" and the weekly e-newsletter "Public Radio Market Update."

Summer 2011 includes:
  • "A Day At The Beach"--Reflections by Dan Keusal on what childhood family vacations at the ocean taught him about "diving in" to life, and finding depth and meaning there.
  • "3 Good Poems"--"Truth In Advertising" by Andrea Cohen, "The Only Way Out" by Dan Keusal, and "The Holy Longing" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
  • Quotes from Honore de Balzac, Rainer Maria Rilke, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and a Chinese proverb
  • "Resources For A Richer Life," including an interview podcast with Jungian Analyst James Hollis on the mid-life crisis, video of a breathtakingly beautiful communal celebration of the summer solstice, and an inspiriing lecture on CD by David Whyte

Spring 2011 includes:
  • "Really Love Something"--Reflections by Dan Keusal on wisdom and guidance found...at the end of an interstate exit ramp.
  • "3 Good Poems"--"Psychology Today" by Darrell Arnoult, "The tao of touch" by Marge Piercy," and "Losing Steps" by Stephen Dunn.
  • Quotes from Yeats, Jung, Keats, and an old Hasidic proverb.
  • "Resources For A Richer Life," including poet Elizabeth Austen on The Seattle Channel's "Art Zone," Carol Pearson's book The Hero Within, and "Where is the poetry in politics?"--an essay by Alex Alben on restoring the power of words in public discourse. 

Winter 2010-2011 includes:
  • "A Midwinter Night's Dream"--Reflections by Dan Keusal on a recent dream that may may reflect our collective anxiety...and show us a way through it.
  • 3 Good Poems--"Diagnosis" by Sharon Olds, "One Of The Butterflies" by W.S. Merwin, and "Just As The Winged Energy Of Delight" by Rainer Maria Rilke
  • Quotes from Margaret Drabble, Catherine MacLellan, Teilhard de Chardin, and Albert Einstein
  • "Resources For A Richer Life," including Barry Lopez's short story collection Light Action In the Caribbean, Rober Ebert's Top 10 Movies of 2010, Peter Mayer's upcoming concert in Seattle, and soul-stirring music from Sarah Jarosz and Steve Martin (yes, that Steve Martin!)

Holidays 2010 includes:
  • "Adding Heat And Spice"--Reflections by Dan Keusal on "mulling things over" during the holiday season..and in the New Year!
  • 3 Good Poems--with a special focus on holiday songs, including John McCutcheon's "Christmas In The Trenches," James Taylor's "Home By Another Way," and Cris Williamson & Shelby Flint's "Greetings of the Season."
  • links to John McCutcheon's performance of "Christmas in the Trenches," a review of the film "A Midnight Clear," and the upcoming program "Reclaiming The Goddess--A Circle For Women."

Autumn 2010 includes:
  • "Captain--drop the shields!"--Reflections by Dan Keusal on the connections between mindfulness, your psycho-spiritual growth, and "Star Trek."
  • 3 Good Poems--"Sleeping Together" (Daniel Sisico), "Things To Do In The Belly Of The Whale" (Dan Albergotti), "Reconsider The Seven" (Peter Pereira)
  • quotes from Mark Twain, Buddha, Jackson Browne, and a very wise bumper sticker
  • links to Catherine MacLellan's song "Something Gold" and her CD "Water In The Ground," a DVD  of Hal Holbrook's one-man show "Mark Twain Tonight!", a breathtaking performance of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" on Norwegian TV, and a magazine that may shift how you look at yourself and the world: "Spring Journal"

Summer 2010 includes:
  • "That's How The Light Gets In"--Reflections by Dan Keusal on how the "cracks" in our lives may actually be openings for the soul.
  • 3 Good Poems--"The Good Nights" (Joseph Mills), "The Patience of Ordinary Things" (Pat Schneider), and "Healing" (D.H. Lawrence)
  • quotes from Jane Wagner/Lily Tomlin, Albert Einstein, Dorothea Brande, and Seneca
  • links to Parker Palmer's reflections on how to cope with depression, Susanna Clarke's novel Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, Leonard Cohen's song "Anthem," the ancient art of "kintsugi," Wendell Berry's poem "The Sycamore," and Peter Mayer's song "Japanese Bowl."

Spring 2010 includes:
  • "Making the hard choices"--Reflections by Dan Keusal on how to stay clear when you're faced with difficult choices. 
  • 3 Good Poems--"Don't Go Back To Sleep" (Rumi), "The Man Walking" (Rainier Maria Rilke), and "Why Mira Can't Go Back To Her Old House" (Mirabai)
  • quotes from Heraclitus, Antoine de Saint Expupery, The Senate (the band, not the legislative body!), William Stafford, and C.G. Jung.
  • reviews of Bill Moyers' interview with Barry Lopez, Peter Mayer's new CD "Heaven Above," and The Rag And Bone Shop Of The Heart.

Winter 2010 includes:
  • "What makes a fire burn?"--Reflections by Dan Keusal on allowing from for some "breathing space" in your life.
  • 3 Good Poems--"Fire" (Judy Brown), "The Sycamore" (Wendell Berry), and "Lost" (David Wagoner)
  • quotes from Eden Phillpotts, Andre Gide, Robert Heinlein, and Thomas Berry.
  • reviews of the movie "The Girl In The Cafe," of Jane Tornatore's group for "Women Over 40 Who Never Had Kids," of Preston Singletary's exhibit "Echoes, Fire, and Shadows" at the Museum of Glass in Tacoma, and of two books--The Raven Steals The Light by Bill Reid & William Bringhurst, and Raven: A Trickster Tale From The Pacific Northwest by Gerald McDermott.
  • news of my upcoming workshop "Psyche and Sky--An Introduction To Astrology For Therapists."

Autumn 2009 includes:
  • 3 Good Poems--"My Spring Is Autumn" (Dan Keusal), "The Way It Is" (William Stafford), and "Assignment #1: Write A Poem About Baseball and God" (Phillip E. Burnham, Jr.)
  • quotes from Albert Einstein, The Talmud, Goethe, and more.
  • reviews of Kathryn Mostow's CD "Dreamers Everywhere," Jean Shinoda Bolen's book The Tao of Psychology: Synchronicity and the Self, and the program "Reclaiming The Goddess--A Circle for Women" by Linda Lasz and Christine Wallace.
  • my essay "The Three 'P's--Purpose, Pain, Passion."
  • news of 3 upcoming workshops: 1) "Psyche and Sky--An Introduction to Astrology for Therapists," 2) my kenote address to the Oregon State Dental Hygienists Association, and 3) "The Work You Were Born to Do--How To Help It Find You" for the Puget Sound Career Development Association

Summer 2009 includes:
  • the NEW feature "3 Good Poems"--links to 3 poems you may enjoy
  • quotes from Scott Adams, Leo Durocher, Parker Palmer, and Tennessee Williams
  • reviews of the movie "Last Chance Harvey," Mary Chapin Carpenter's CD "The Calling," David Whyte's book Crossing The Unknown Sea: Work As A Pilgrimage of Identity, and the Washington Courage & Renewal retreat program.
  • my essay "Where are you underestimating yourself?"...which incoporates material from the movie "Last Chance Harvey."
  • news of my upcoming keynote address for the Oregon Dental Hygienists Association

Spring 2009 includes:
  • quotes from Maya Angelou, Virginia Wolf, Alice Walker, Ray Charles, Philo of Alexandra, and Rabbi Hillel
  • reviews of "Frazz," Larry Murante's upcoming CD release concert, Karl Paulnack's essay "On Music," the movie "Lars And The Real Girl," and "Final Edition," a video produced by the staff of the Rocky Mountain News.
  • my essay "A Way of Working Things Out," based on the movie "Lars and the Real Girl"
  • notice about my completely redesigned web site!

Winter 2008-2009: (due to the redesign of DanKeusal.com, there was no Winter 2008-2009 edition)

Autumn 2008 includes:
  • quotes from Goethe, Abraham Maslow, Michael McClure, and Anatole France, 
  • reviews of Rachel Naomi's Kitchen Table Wisdom, David Steindl-Rast's web site Gratefulness.org, and the movie "A Good Year," 
  • my essay "Instead of Fear, A Conversation" (about the wild mustang), 
  • news of my astrology & Christianity class and my interview on NPR

Summer 2008: this brief summer issue includes 
  • quotes from Steven Wright, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jim Leyland, and R.H. Grenier, 
  • reviews of Scott Russell Sanders' essay "Beauty" and David Wilcox's "Leave It Like It Is."

Spring 2008: includes
  • quotes from John Muir, Thomas Moore, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Madeleine L'Engle, 
  • reviews of David Whyte's lecture "Thresholds," the movie "Reign Over Me," and Michael Chapdelaine's CD "Re-Replay" (plus a link to his YouTube page)
  • my essay "Good Grief."

Winter 2008 includes:
  • quotes from Sting, Carol Pearson, Rachel Naomi Remen, and Madeleine L'Engle, 
  • reviews of Dan Fogelberg's CD "The Innocent Age," the movie "Avenue Montaigne," and Karen Kingston's book Clear Your Clutter With Feng Shui, 
  • my essay "At The Movies." 
  • info on my lecture "From Study to Practice: Using What We Already Know" at the Northwest Astrological Conference (NORWAC).

Autumn 2007 includes:
  • quotes from Mary Oliver, Leonard Cohen, and Robert Johnson, 
  • reviews of Carrie Newcomer's CD "The Age of Possibility," Jim Carrey's film "The Majestic," and "Reclaiming the Goddess: A Circle for Women," 
  • my essay on "Holiday Stress," 
  • info about my class "They Followed A Star: Astrology & Christianity as Allies on the Journey."

Summer 2007 includes: 
  • quotes from J.R.R. Tolkien, Barbara Kingsolver, a Chinese proverb, my favorite bumper sticker, and Madeleine L'Engle, 
  • reviews of the Paul Reiser ("Mad About You") film "Strange Relations," Larry Murante's CD "Water's Edge," Anne Fadiman's book "Ex Libris," and the retreat programs of Washington Courage & Renewal, 
  • my essay "Everyday Rituals" 
  • info on my class "They Followed A Star--Astrology & Christianity As Allies On The Journey" and my upcoming lecture at the Northwest Astrological Conference. 

Spring 2006 includes:
  • Brief reflection on C.G. Jung's assertion that "everyone longs to tell their story and have it heard and understood."

Decemeber 2004 includes 
  • quote from Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook
  • a few thoughts on "Keeping It All Together," 
  • a look at Parabola.com.

November 2004 includes: 
  • quote from Thomas Moore, 
  • my essay "Beating The Holiday Blues," 
  • featured web site SongSpace.net
Dan Keusal, M.S., LMFT, Psychotherapist. (206) 523-1340. Email: dankeusal@dankeusal.com